Monday, February 15, 2010

Unique 'in context' product merchandising - Soiree Wine Aerator

This weekend, my husband and I went to a wine festival here in DC. Lots of good wine and cheese, but what really stands out is the product merchandising one company did.

Soiree wine aerators were very inventive about getting their product noticed by two different customer groups - the distributors & wineries pouring wines and the event attendees. The folks from Soiree walked around handing out their aerators (for free, I assume), asking those pouring wine to place them on a couple of their bottles. There was a ton of conversation about this interesting use of 'in context' product display. It's pretty rare that a potential b2b customer get to try your product and provide real time recommendations to a b2c customer.

They made one mistake though. They were not actually selling the aerator anywhere at the show. Lots of lost potential sales.

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy to hear this feedback. Although we'd like to keep this simple obvious tact a seccret - it is an awesome way for us to spread the word and let people see how easy it is to use and pour better tasting wine, via our bottle-top wine aerator - Soiree.

    We note that we definitely "lost" sales by not attending the show with a booth, which we have done the past 2 years. However, we will be participating in shows in areas we have never focused on before, and this has been a decided choice (albeit tought) that we have made this year.

    So while we are elated to hear (read) that we were of notable visual importance at the Washington DC Wine Expo, we lament that we were not their to capture sales.

    Soiree is a young company that desires to be ubiquitous, but for the moment is choosing it's areas of emphases carefully.

    Andrew Lazorchak
