Sunday, October 11, 2009

Find a way to make men enjoy shopping for clothes

This has always been a challenge for apparel retailers. The fact remains that a majority of this audience prefers the go in, get what they need and leave within minutes. It's rare to find a group of guys who want to hang out at a store.

The J. Crew in Tribeca has found a unique way to tackle this problem. By choosing to display their product in a setting that is comfortable and enjoyable for their customers, they have created an environment where their male customer base might actually consider staying for a while. And, of course, spend more money. The Liquor Store concept is enviable. With sweaters laid artfully across the top of a a decades old wooder bar, ties wrapped in to low ball glasses and comfortable, high-backed leather chairs, this place feels more like a cigar bar than a t-shirt store.

And I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure you can order a drink while you shop. Perfect.

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